5 Celebs Who Sought Out Cosmetic Dentistry

5 Celebs Who Sought Out Cosmetic Dentistry

Even Though It Doesn’t Feel Like It You Are Never Alone When It Comes To Needing Or Wanting Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments As This List Will Prove

Cosmetic dentistry has become big business in the last couple of decades and with the constant improvement in products and treatments available, we are now able to make sweeping changes to your smile. Naturally, people who are constantly in the spotlight are under greater scrutiny to have an award-winning smile or at least one befitting of the glitz and glamour of the job. There have been some absolutely horrendous smiles on our screens over the years and you only wonder how some of the people on our list took as long as they did to correct their problems with cosmetic dentistry. Our comprehensive range of cosmetic dentistry solutions can transform your smile into something that you are proud to flash at any given opportunity and boost your self-confidence. Let’s have a look at some of the most notable cosmetic dentistry patients from the red carpet.


Tom Cruise

Being one of the biggest movie stars of all time comes with a certain aesthetic expectation and these were expectations that our boy Tom was lacking early in his acting career. His crooked and discoloured front teeth could well have been a handicap, but his incredible charisma still got him roles enough to tide him over until he could straighten and whiten his teeth.


Zac Efron

One of the most successful products of the legendary Disney Channel, Zac Efron broke onto the scene following the incredible success of High School Musical but not without having a little cosmetic dentistry done first. His substantial front tooth gap needed to be brought toward itself and his other teeth straightened and whitened. He has subsequently become something of a heartthrob and is never short of offers for roles.


Celine Dion

Back in the 80s as a buddying siren and songwriter, Celine Dion’s mouth wasn’t always a source of unbridled joy to all who were in its presence. Cursed with elongated canines and some overly prominent front teeth, she underwent a number of cosmetic dentistry treatments in order to make them smaller, whiter and more uniform.


George Clooney

Often thought of as one of the most handsome men on celluloid, George Clooney, struggled with grinding his teeth as well as requiring a full set of dental veneers. Cosmetic dentistry can work miracles with your smile, but it doesn’t hurt if you are ridiculously good-looking as well. Clooney has gone on to cement himself among the pantheon of beautiful Hollywood men, but not without the help of his dentist.


Miley Cyrus

Before Miley Cyrus became a wrecking ball and adopted a new grungy, devil may care attitude to her celebrity status, she was Hannah Montana. And Hannah Montana had some of the classic problems that teenagers experience with regards to crooked teeth but when her image changed, so did her smile. She had her teeth straightened and whitened and gave her a couple more reasons to stick her tongue out in photographs.


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