Don’t Mind The Gap – Build A (Dental) Bridge

Don’t Mind The Gap – Build A (Dental) Bridge

If you have a missing or lost tooth, getting a traditional dental bridge can make all the difference to your smile. Dental bridges basically bridge the gap between one or more missing teeth.

Patients are often recommended a cosmetic dental bridge due to strain they can experience when chewing, discomfort when biting down, or having trouble speaking (because of missing teeth). Missing teeth also put pressure on the remaining teeth to work harder, which can increase the possibility of tooth decay, gum disease, and crooked teeth.

Somerset Dental Care’s experienced dentists use the natural teeth or implants on either side of the empty space. These teeth, called abutments, serve as anchors for the bridge. The replacement tooth in between, called a pontic, is attached to the crowns that cover the abutments. Once that is done, you’ve got your smile back.

A dental bridge is always fixed to a specially prepared tooth. It cannot be fitted to any tooth without prior preparation. Dental bridges are not only way to get your smile back, but they can also be necessary to stop teeth from drifting, can improve your bite and your ability to chew.

Dental bridges can be made of porcelain, gold, or composite materials, and is made of artificial teeth that are bonded to surrounding teeth. There are THREE types of dental bridges.

1. Traditional Fixed Bridges

A traditional fixed bridge is the most commonly used type of bridge to replace one or more missing teeth using the support of two adjacent teeth. Traditional bridges are made from ceramics or porcelain and anchor the neighbouring abutment tooth. Fixed bridges are strong and reliable and will appear and feel similar to the genuine tooth.

2. Resin Bonded (Maryland) Bridges

A resin bonded bridge is used primarily on the front teeth and is necessary when the teeth on either side of the missing tooth do not have large enough fillings. The false tooth has two metal bands that are bonded to the adjacent teeth with resin which is hidden from view.

3. Cantilever Bridges

Unlike a traditional bridge, a cantilever bridge supports the fake tooth from one end. Cantilever bridges are most often used when abutment teeth are located on only one side of the missing tooth or in areas of mouth that are under less stress.

If you’d like to improve the look of your smile while at the same time your dental health, a dental bridge might be the solution. The team at Somerset Dental Care can give you the best advice. Contact Somerset Dental Care on 1300 707 046, to talk through the best options are for you.

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