What causes bad breath?

What causes bad breath?

Bad breath can be caused by some factors, including poor dental health, certain foods, and lifestyle habits.

If you are struggling with bad breath, you will know that the issue can be embarrassing. The good news is that it is often possible to resolve the problem by making some simple lifestyle or dietary changes or by improving your oral hygiene habits. Read on to find out more about the possible causes of bad breath and what you can do to make sure your mouth stays fresh.

How does your diet affect your breath?

Every time you eat something, it breaks down inside your mouth. Furthermore, the foods that you consume are absorbed into your bloodstream—from there, they move to the lungs, which then affect the air that you breathe out. If you eat something with a strong odour, you are likely to notice the smell on your breath. Unfortunately, this odour will not disappear until the food has passed through your body. Some of the most common culprits include garlic, onions, cheese, spices, soft drinks, and alcohol.

How does oral hygiene affect your breath?

When food particles remain in your mouth, they can contribute to the growth of bacteria on your gums, between your teeth, and on your tongue. This, in turn, contributes to bad breath. Similarly, when gingivitis develops as the result of poor oral hygiene, bad breath can occur.

To get rid of food particles and odour-causing bacteria, it is important that you brush and floss every day. Good oral hygiene habits will also keep issues like gingivitis at bay. If you have dentures, be sure to clean them thoroughly and regularly. Food particles and odour-causing bacteria can build up on dentures if they are not properly cleaned.

Which health conditions cause bad breath?

Although bad breath is often caused by poor dental hygiene or dietary choices, it could also be a sign of an underlying health problem. Gum disease, for example, can cause persistent bad breath. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, occurs when plaque builds up on the teeth. The bacteria in plaque irritate the gums and can cause serious damage to the teeth, gums, and underlying bone.

Besides gum disease, there are a few other dental health issues that can contribute to bad breath. These include yeast infections inside the mouth, cavities, dry mouth, and poorly fitting dental appliances like dentures.

Some diseases are also associated with bad breath — these include respiratory tract infections, diabetes, chronic acid reflux, and certain gastrointestinal issues.

Can bad breath be prevented?

The good news is that it is often possible and fairly easy to prevent or resolve bad breath. One of the best things you can do is practice proper oral hygiene habits every day. This includes brushing your teeth twice a day, cleaning your tongue (either with your toothbrush or a tongue scraper), and flossing every day. This will help to get rid of food particles and plaque.

If you have dentures, make sure that you remove them at night before you go to sleep and that you clean them thoroughly before you place them back in your mouth each morning.

To prevent bad breath and other oral health issues, you should see your dentist at least twice a year for a check-up and cleaning. If your dentist identifies any potential issues, they will help you address them as soon as possible.

It’s also a good idea to drink plenty of water throughout the day. This will prevent your mouth from drying out. Chewing on sugar-free gum also helps to boost the production of saliva in your mouth, which washes away bacteria and other debris.

How can we help?

At Somerset Dental Care, we care about our patients’ oral and overall health, which is why we encourage you to come in and see us for regular check-ups and cleanings. If you are suffering from bad breath and need some help resolving the issue, please come in and see us. We will perform a thorough examination and let you know what is causing the problem.

To find out more about the services that we provide at Somerset Dental Care, please have a look here.

To make an appointment, please get in touch here or give us a call at 02 4648 0909.

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