To pull or not to pull – do I need a tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction is a procedure where a tooth that’s causing pain gets removed from its place in the gum. While many people need a tooth extraction, only few know much...

The Royal Crown – Maintaining Teeth With Serious Issues

The benefits of maintaining good healthy teeth are well known. However, once teeth have serious issues or are weakened by treatments such as fillings or crowns, there is even more...

Don’t Mind The Gap – Build A (Dental) Bridge

If you have a missing or lost tooth, getting a traditional dental bridge can make all the difference to your smile. Dental bridges basically bridge the gap between one or...

Choosing The Best Brush And Routine

It’s amazing how many different types of toothbrushes there are on the market. But how do you know which toothbrush is best for you? When it comes to choosing between...

Pregnancy Health – 5 Tips To Maintain Your Smile During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, hormonal changes that are a natural part of pregnancy can affect your oral health. For example, some pregnant women can experience especially sensitive teeth and gums. However, a...

Q&A With Dr Sean – Brushing Your Teeth

How should you brush your teeth?

Pulp Fiction – can a tooth function without pulp?

Having a toothache can be one of the worst pains imaginable. And leaving it too long only means the pain can become unbearable. So why does tooth pain occur? The...

Root Canal Therapy – take care of your whole health by starting with your teeth.

Has your dentist told you that you need root canal treatment? If so, you're not alone. It’s a pretty common procedure. What is root canal treatment? Root canal treatment is...

We’ve Come A Long Way: how advances in dentistry make maintaining your dental health much more pleasant

With advances in dentistry coming so far, we look at three of the newer dental care procedures and techniques that Somerset Dental Care have brought into our practice. Composite Fillings...

How does a drink damage your teeth?